Why is Change so Hard and What Can Be Done?
- “Unpacking the Dynamics of Successful Change: Ten Insights from the Private Sector.” Chapter 3 in “Transformational Change in Environmental and Natural Resource Management” (Routledge, 2016). Edited by Michael D. Young and Christine Esau.
- “Architectural Innovation: The Reconfiguration of Existing Product Technologies and The Failure of Established Firms.” Jointly with Kim Clark, March 1990, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol 35, p9‑30.
Making the Numbers?
- “’Short Termism’ and the Puzzle of Only Occasional Disaster.” Jointly with Hazhir Rahmandad and Nelson P. Repenning, November 2016, Management Science.
What is Organizational Purpose? And Why Does Purpose Drive Performance?
- “Real Effects of Relational Contracts.” Jointly with Steven Blader, Andrea Pratt and Claudine Gartenberg, May 2015, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings.
Why Do Firms Have Purpose?
- “The Firm’s Role as a Carrier of Identity and Reputation.” Jointly with Eric Van Den Steen, May 2015, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings.
- “Management Practices, Relational Contracts and the Decline of General Motors.” Jointly with Susan Helper, 2014, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Volume 28, Number 1—Winter 2014—Pages 49–72.
What Do Managers Do?
- “Exploring Persistent Performance Differences Among Seemingly Similar Enterprises.” Jointly with Robert Gibbons. Chapter 17 in “The Handbook of Organizational Economics” (Princeton University Press, 2013). Edited by Robert Gibbons and John Roberts.
What Will It Take to Reimagine Capitalism?
- “Making the Business Case for Environmental Sustainability” Chapter 2 in “Leading Sustainable Change” (Oxford University Press, 2015). Edited by Rebecca Henderson, Ranjay Gulati and Michael Tushman.
- “Do Managers Have a Role to Play in Sustaining the Institutions of Capitalism?” Jointly with Karthik Ramanna, February 2015, Brookings Institute.
Useful Cases
- “Aetna & the Transformation of Health Care.” Jointly with Russ Eisenstat and Matthew Preble, February 2018.
- “Gotong Royong: Toward Sustainable Palm Oil.” Jointly with Hann-Shuin Yew & Monica Baraldi, March 2016 (Revision Date: June 6, 2016).
- “Greening Walmart: Progress and Controversy.” Jointly with James Weber, February 2016.
- “Omar Selim: Building a Values-Based Asset Management Firm.” Jointly with George Serafeim and Shannon Gombos, January 2015, HBS No 115-021.
- “1worker1vote: MONDRAGON in the US.” Jointly with Michael Norris, March 2014, HBS No 314-061.
- “Henry Schein: Doing Well by Doing Good.” Jointly with Rafaella Sadun, Aldo Sesia and Russell Eisesnstat, February 2014, HBS Case No: 714-450.
- “Xylem: Let’s Solve Water.” Jointly with James Weber, September 2013, HBS Case No: 313-082.
- “Royal DSM: Fighting Hidden Hunger.” Jointly with Noah Fisher and Mary Shelman, May 2013, HBS Case no 313-085.
- “Triodos Bank – Conscious Money in Action.” Jointly with Kate Isaacs and Katrin Kaeufer, June 2013, HBS Case No 313-109.
- “Sustainable Tea at Unilever.” Jointly with Frederik Peter Nellemann, December 2011, Harvard Business School Case 712-438.